Lectures in Catholic Experience - Janna Levitt - April 5, 2019
St. Jerome's University
Apr 5, 2019 at 7:30 AM EDT
"name":"Lectures in Catholic Experience - Janna Levitt - April 5, 2019",
"description": "https://ticketfi.com/event/2563/lectures-in-catholic-experience-janna-levitt-april-5-2019\n\n\"\\n\\nIn a 2015 audience with children of the Peace Factory, Pope Francis stated: “We are all equal — all of us — but this truth is not recognized, this equality is not recognized…When we do not see this, society is unjust. It does not follow the rule of justice, and where there is no justice, there cannot be peace.”\\n \\nThese words echo the words of Pope Paul VI who, in his 1972 World Day of Peace Message, spoke of peace as rooted in justice — a sincere feeling for our fellow human beings and for the earth, especially the marginalized and oppressed.\\n \\nIn the 2018-2019 lectures, our speakers invite us to explore the search for peace and justice as it is present in so many aspects of our world: along the path of reconciliation; among women in the church; and in the ongoing work to overcome the injustice of the death penalty. They will consider how The Saint John’s Bible illuminates justice, the intersection of social transformation, culture and architecture, and the challenges faced by young people who are seeking meaning and peace outside the doors of our churches.\\n \\n\\nWe look forward to seeing you at our sixth lecture - Determinism and Optimism - taking place on Friday, April 5, 2019, 7:30 p.m. in the St. Jerome's University Academic Centre's Vanstone Lecture Hall. \\n\\nJanna Levitt co-founded LGA Architectural Partners (formerly Levitt Goodman Architects) in 1991. She believes architecture is an essential tool for creating living, working, and learning environments that improve the quality of people’s lives. By examining the design process of select projects, this lecture will illustrate the ways in which a diverse community of clients have benefited from LGA Architectural Partners' architectural practice; one that celebrates diverse cultures, environments and social dynamics.\\n\\nA reception will follow this lecture in the Atrium. Please use the "Tickets" box to the right to register your participation.\\n\\n\\nFor more information about this series please look at the "Speaker" listings below or visit the St. Jerome's University website at www.sju.ca\\/lce.\\n\\nThank you for supporting the Lectures in Catholic Experience.\\n\\n\\nCristina Vanin, PhD\\nLectures Coordinator\\n\\n\\nREGISTRATION\\n\\nDo I need to bring a ticket?\\nAlthough our ticketing system will issue you a ticket for your participation, you DO NOT HAVE TO SHOW YOUR TICKET in order to attend the lectures. Your registration using the “Tickets" system to the right helps our event support staff to arrange for reception food service and to anticipate seating requirements. We greatly appreciate your registration in advance of each lecture.\\n\\nTHANK YOU!\\n\\nWe extend our gratitude to all the individuals and organizations who make it possible to bring these lectures to the community every year, including:\\n \\nCongregation of the Resurrection\\nFamily and Friends of Laurence A. Cummings\\nFamily and Friends of Ken Devlin\\nFamily and Friends of John Sweeney\\nFamily and Friends of John J. Wintermeyer\\nFriends of Michael W. Higgins\\nInstitute of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Loretto Sisters)\\nJesuits of Canada\\nPatrons of the Lectures in Catholic Experience\\nScarboro Missions\\nSpalding Family\\nWaterloo Catholic District School Board\\n\\n\\n \\n\"",
"location":"St. Jerome's University - ",
"label":"Add to Calendar",
Event Details
In a 2015 audience with children of the Peace Factory, Pope Francis stated: “We are all equal — all of us — but this truth is not recognized, this equality is not recognized…When we do not see this, society is unjust. It does not follow the rule of justice, and where there is no justice, there cannot be peace.”
These words echo the words of Pope Paul VI who, in his 1972 World Day of Peace Message, spoke of peace as rooted in justice — a sincere feeling for our fellow human beings and for the earth, especially the marginalized and oppressed.
In the 2018-2019 lectures, our speakers invite us to explore the search for peace and justice as it is present in so many aspects of our world: along the path of reconciliation; among women in the church; and in the ongoing work to overcome the injustice of the death penalty. They will consider how The Saint John’s Bible illuminates justice, the intersection of social transformation, culture and architecture, and the challenges faced by young people who are seeking meaning and peace outside the doors of our churches.
Janna Levitt co-founded LGA Architectural Partners (formerly Levitt Goodman Architects) in 1991. She believes architecture is an essential tool for creating living, working, and learning environments that improve the quality of people’s lives. By examining the design process of select projects, this lecture will illustrate the ways in which a diverse community of clients have benefited from LGA Architectural Partners' architectural practice; one that celebrates diverse cultures, environments and social dynamics.
A reception will follow this lecture in the Atrium. Please use the "Tickets" box to the right to register your participation.
For more information about this series please look at the "Speaker" listings below or visit the St. Jerome's University website at www.sju.ca/lce.
Thank you for supporting the Lectures in Catholic Experience.
Cristina Vanin, PhD
Lectures Coordinator
Do I need to bring a ticket?
Although our ticketing system will issue you a ticket for your participation, you DO NOT HAVE TO SHOW YOUR TICKET in order to attend the lectures. Your registration using the “Tickets" system to the right helps our event support staff to arrange for reception food service and to anticipate seating requirements. We greatly appreciate your registration in advance of each lecture.THANK YOU!
We extend our gratitude to all the individuals and organizations who make it possible to bring these lectures to the community every year, including:
Congregation of the Resurrection
Family and Friends of Laurence A. Cummings
Family and Friends of Ken Devlin
Family and Friends of John Sweeney
Family and Friends of John J. Wintermeyer
Friends of Michael W. Higgins
Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Loretto Sisters)
Jesuits of Canada
Patrons of the Lectures in Catholic Experience
Scarboro Missions
Spalding Family
Waterloo Catholic District School Board
St. Jerome's University
290 Westmount Road North Waterloo, ON N2L 3G5 CA
Type |
Price |
Janna Levitt - April 5, 2019 |
Free |
Organizer Details

St. Jerome's University
Federated with the University of Waterloo